Time to pivot πŸ”

We just recently covered the importance of starting, which is one of the most told advice from successful microfounders.

Often it can be hard to come up with an idea that you feel excited about and that you think could be a success. And this can lead to just waiting for the "right" idea.

But many microfounders have started and then changed their startup’s direction, even several times. This allows to get out from the "waiting period" and start doing something.

"Sponsy mainly consisted of a page for newsletters to receive sponsorships paid via Stripe. Speaking with bigger publishers, we found out that their problem was not in the booking. It was in the management. And they would happily pay us to solve their struggle." – πŸ’° Sponsy ($190/mo) by Michele Patrassi

Unlike VC-funded startups, bootstrapped founders don’t have debt or promises made to investors. It’s very easy for them to shut it down or pivot when they see that would be the right thing to do.

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