Start a small startup in 2023 🌱

(50% YEAR END SALE: one-time $99 instead of $199 until the end of the year)

When starting a startup with a team, you have other people to discuss ideas with, get feedback, and work together. But when starting a startup as a solo founder, you have no team, which is probably the hardest part of the journey.

For solo founders, our community can serve as a team:

πŸ“Ή Weekly Zoom calls. Let’s get together! Everyone who wants can share what they’re working on and ask for feedback. It’s totally fine if you don’t want to share and prefer to just listen. (Starting in January 2023)

πŸ’½ Startup database. Get access to all 200 startups with revenue on MicroFounder who are making collectively $1.6 million per month. It’s a great way to see what other microfounders are working on and maybe even get some inspiration for your own products.

βœ‹ Slack community. Join our Slack community where everyone can ask for advice, get help and support with launching their products, etc.

πŸ“˜ The Book. Read a guide to becoming a microfounder as a solo developer. Prepare, Idea, Launch, Grow.

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