$5,000 MRR 💸

You’re getting this email because you signed up on makehub.io – I’m now rebranding MakeHub to MicroFounder for better reflecting the purpose of sharing lessons on how to build a Micro-SaaS. – Rauno

Yes, it is possible for a solo founder to build a profitable Micro-SaaS and quit their job. But how much time it takes?

I looked at 20 startups in the MRR range of $5,000-$40,000 to see how quickly they reached their initial $5,000 MRR.

The result? It takes a median of 14 months. Not that bad, isn’t it?

I posted my results to Twitter, and people started to point out that we should also look at when founders started their first project:

This is great - but there’s heavy survivorship bias. It would be interesting to not only look at the successful startups in isolation but look at when their creators started their first indie project.
– Fabian

Hah, kinda true, what you aren’t seeing is the year before that I was working on the product and not advertising it well. And the 10 years before that of working on other products and figuring out what works and what doesn’t!
– Jesse

What else did I notice?

📈 There’s a steady growth month after month for most startups
🥳 Overnight success isn’t real (but I hope this is already widely known?)
😊 It takes time, work on something you enjoy

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