Build a Niche Google
Lately, I've been seeing these blog posts about Google dying. There are many problems: SEO spam and too many ads are just a few of them.

People are noticing this and are already using Google in a different way.
Want to know how much funding this startup has?
You Google: "contra crunchbase"
Want to know what others think about a SaaS?
You Google: "pipedrive capterra"
Build a niche Google
This may not just be a problem with Google but possibly also the recipe for beating Google. A startup usually has to start with a niche market. Why not try writing a search engine specifically for some category dominated by SEO spam?
— Paul Graham (@paulg) January 2, 2022
Habitual recall
Daniel Gross talks about building "community verticals" – the best sites in niches, and highlights the hardest part:
"A key question is how to build habitual recall to use your product over Google."
And this is a key question indeed. But I think you can solve it by building the best site in your niche.
Not a site that is gaming SEO.
Or a site that looks like the best site.
But a site that is actually the best site in your niche.
When you add a piece of content or a new feature, you always keep in mind that you're building the best experience for the user in your niche.
That's all. Keeping this in mind will guide you every step on the path.
Choose a topic that interests you
It's impossible to build something that's best in the niche when you don't care for it.
It needs to be something that you personally have been interested in for most of your life, or at least for a long time.
I think this is a necessary prerequisite for succeeding in your niche – otherwise, how can you find the motivation and energy to work on it every day for years?
Remote Hunt
This is exactly what I'm doing with my startup Remote Hunt. I want it to be the place to go when you're looking for a new remote team to join.
When you're looking for a new remote team to join, I want you to Google: "gitlab remote hunt"

I still have a long road to go, but I continue to work on Remote Hunt every day, and with every new feature and piece of content, I always remember my goal: that I'm building a niche Google for remote jobs.