Daniel is on Show HN today with KTool:

I’m using my Kindle every day to read books, so this looks very interesting to me.

I often think that I want to read this blog post, HN topic, or newsletter but I rarely get to them. Maybe it’s because when I’m on my computer/phone I have so many distractions. Email, Twitter…

The preview tool is also very cool!
MicroFounder, Radan, +4 others
Reminds me Mailbrew ($20k MRR). I know it’s a different thing, but a bit similar feeling to it.

Where Mailbrew takes different dopamine-filled social content and builds a nice calm email, KTool takes different dopamine-filled content and gives me a quiet reading time on my Kindle.
I bought KTool very soon after seeing it here . Really great work. I’ve sent quite a few articles from various sites with it and the conversion quality was always great. :ok_hand: