Convert your Twitter followers to newsletter subscribers
Having an email subscription box on top of your Twitter profile is a smart way to collect emails from your followers. It's so easy to subscribe, just by clicking a button, and so I think many will do that.

But I guess a lot of people don't really want to use Revue to send emails. They have their own email tool in place already.

And so RevSync seems to be a clever idea!

I have a question about your pricing: I see you offer both montly packages and an early bird one-time price. I assume you've so far probably sold one-time packages or are you doing some recurring revenue already?

I ask this because I know that microfounders look for a recurring revenue, but have you also considered to completely switch to a one-time price? Most people already have a lot of subscriptions to pay each month and maybe a one-time price would be more appealing and would get you more sales?

And a product that brings in new one-time payments every month has basically a recurring revenue, but from new clients.
Hey Rauno,

Thank you for the question!

So I offer both a subscription and limited Early Bird prices.

The Early Bird has a very compelling price and the limited available spots are generating a lot of urgency for visitors to make a purchase now! Once the Early Bird spots are all gone, only the monthly subscription will be available.

At the moment, 30 users have purchased an Early Bird package, 2 users have a monthly subscription and 14 users are on the Free Trial plan.

I like the model I have now, as it is a great way to generate initial revenue which covers all costs I might have and offers the possibility to have some paid traffic.
Nice. I'm asking about one-time vs recurring because I'm lately thinking that maybe one-time payments are easier to get as people already have so many subscriptions.

But on the other hand, subscription MRR is a predictable revenue.

I was just reading about https://testimonial.... on Product Hunt and I saw that @damengchen also started with one-time payments, but has now switched to subscriptions and making $100K ARR:

I'm curious why he made the switch.
When I see businesses baked the testimonial as part of their marketing process, I know it's a long-term thing, so I just wanted to give subscription a shot. Obviously, I had no confidence back then, it was still a big risk for me to all in subscription.
Yucel Faruk Sahan
Great ideas, congrats!

I have nearly 920 subscribers on my newsletter. I might want to switch to another newsletter service if I don't want to pay 9€ monthly :) Are you planning to integrate Sendfox?
I also signed up for Revue and added subscription box to my Twitter. I like Twitter more than email, because it's more social (people can ask questions easily, etc).

But it can be good to have an email list in place in case of I get banned from Twitter or something. I currently have 5.9K emails in my list, hoping to grow this to 10K at least in the next coming months.

I haven't sent any emails yet thought.
Hey Yucel,

Thanks for the question! Sendfox is currently not on the list of new integrations. But I will add it to take a good look at!



Founded: Sep 2021
Age: 3y 6m
Recurring revenue