Japan Dev
Tech Jobs in Japan
How did you come up with the microstartup idea?
I struggled to find a job as a software developer myself. Then as I gained more experience and learned about great places to work in Japan, I wanted to start sharing that knowledge. So I built the job board I wish had existed when I first arrived in Japan.
How did you find your first customers?
I built a list of “good” companies first and shared it (without the companies’ permission). So some of my target companies already knew about the site thanks to that. Then I approached my own company (I was still working as a developer) and convinced them to be my first client. I then parlayed that and some good luck with cold outreach into a few more contracts with well-known companies, and then it snowballed from there. Increasing applicants was harder than getting companies to post.
How are you finding your customers today?
My business model is free until you actually find a successful hire, so there’s no downside for companies. I have very little churn.
What's your advice for other microfounders who want to get started?
There’s no need to be fancy. For a business to exist, you need a customer, and some way to provide them value. That way can be a zoom call, a Google spreadsheet, a PDF, or a newsletter. It doesn’t matter. Just find this as fast as possible and start iterating from there.



Founded: Jan 2014
Age: 11y 2m
Recurring revenue
Job Board