Support software the way it should be
How did you come up with the microstartup idea?
One day at my old job, someone let an email from a very irritated customer fall through the cracks. Our boss was furious. It got me thinking, "why can't companies use AI to detect which customers need help now?". With this idea, I got to work.

GoDesk is a SAAS help desk that analyses every message your customers send. If it finds any that are irritated or angry they will be flagged, allowing you to move them to a higher priority queue. On top of this USP, it's also a very fast and pleasant help desk to use and less than half the price of Zendesk.
How did you find your first customers?
I started off with placing a few ads on a site called Saashub - I got a trickle of interested people coming to my site through them. Then, I got to work on SEO.

I've read a lot about how SEO works over the years but was always too intimidated by how much there is to learn to actually get started. Once I stuck my toe in and saw the graphs start to move I felt a lot more confident!
How are you finding your customers today?
I'm expanding into social - LinkedIn and Twitter. It doesn't come naturally to me because I'm a fairly low-key person when it comes to social media. Putting yourself and your product out there is what it's all about though.
What's your advice for other microfounders who want to get started?
Focus on learning marketing. It's the most important and difficult skill I've had to learn. A year in and I've barely scratched the surface!



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